
Sex work and disability – Breaking the taboo – ABC Radio Interview

By February 29, 2012 July 1st, 2024 No Comments

Sex work and disability – Breaking the taboo

ABC Radio Interview

Posted on February 29, 2012

Rachel Wotton has clients with cerebal palsy, down syndrome and advanced MS.

Some of them have very limited physical function below the neck, others need a computer to speak.

But Rachel isn’t a physio therapist, a social worker or doctor – Rachel is a sex worker.

And as a sex worker, she has specialised in working with clients with disabilities, who she says have as much right to sexual pleasure as any of us.

Rachel’s story has been captured in a new documentary called Scarlet Road. You might have seen it on SBS, and it’s about to be released on DVD and tour festivals all over the world.

Click here to listen to the interview…